December Basket Raffle
WOW! Purchase chances to win for yourself or as an amazing Christmas gift.
This autographed James Cook Football with an Authenticity Certificate was donated by Wilmington Trust.
Tickets are 1 for $10 or 3 for $25 and the winner will be selected on December 20, 2024
** Proceeds from the raffle directly benefit the students at Mount Mercy Academy! **
THANK YOU for your support!
To purchase chances - Venmo @Mount-Mercy-88 or click below

Congrats to last month's Basket Raffle Winner! Proceeds from the raffle directly benefit the students at Mount Mercy Academy! THANK YOU for your support!

Our raffle drawings will be on the last weekday of each month. Winners will be posted on the website and on our Facebook page.
Please like our Facebook page to stay updated on all of our upcoming events.